Frequently Asked

What does my child need to bring?

A small bag with a change of clothes.

Appropriate clothes for the weather and that they are able to pull them up and down independantly. We provide aprons for messy play however we do suggest clothing worn is not special.

A named water bottle.

Wellie boots and waterproof trousers for outdoor wet play

Nappies and wipes if not yet potty trained.

Toothbrush for supervised brushing after lunch. We provide the toothpaste.

No. You will need to supply enough nappies and wipes each day they attend pre-school.

All funding take effects the term after your child turns two (if your eligible) or three. Thats from either 1st September (Autumn), 1st January (Spring), or 1st April (Summer).

We claim the free childcare from Oxfordshire Council, on completion of Parental declaration form.

If you think you eligible for 2 year funding or 30 hours free childcare, you will need to apply through childcare choices.

If you child becomes unwell at pre-school, we will make them feel comfortable and telephone you to ask you come and collect them straight away.

If they unwell before pre-school starts, we ask parents to contact us to let us know they will not be attending pre-school.

Our registration forms asks for details of the allergies and intolerances. This information is passed onto all our staff.

All activities planned take into account these allergies and intolerances for example substituting butter for diary-free alternative during baking activities.

To be safe, we operate a NO NUT policy.

Water is available in their water bottles throughout the day. At snack time we offer a cup of cows milk, if you wish them to have an alternative to this you will need to supply it.

Do you accept childcare vouchers?

Yes, We are registered with childcare choices and a number of childcare voucher companies.

If your child needs a nap, we will provide a mat and blanket in our home corner.