Voluntary Committee

Our committee is a voluntary body made up of parents and carers of pre-school children, all of whom are elected at our Annual General Meeting.
The committee consists of three officials, the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, and other elected members.
Our committee members are extremely important to us as our charity thrives thanks to the dedication of the many different people who join.
The contribution of both time and skills of Committee members is highly valued as it is an essential ingredient to our continued success.
As well as supporting the management of the Pre-School, an essential role of the Committee is fundraising for our charity.
Apart from early years funding, fees and occasional grants, our only other source of income is from fundraising and donations.
All funds raised are used within the setting for new equipment and resources.
It meets at least once every term.

Why should I join the Committee?

Volunteering to be on the Committee of your child’s setting is a great way to put something positive back into the local community and can have many rewards and benefits.
It offers you the opportunity to become more actively and practically involved in the learning and development of your child.
You will also have a chance to meet other parents, update existing skills and learn new some new ones.
Plus the more we work together, the better the group is run and the greater confidence we have that the Pre-School is meeting parents’ needs.
For more information or to register an interest in joining the Committee, please speak to the Chair of the Committee or our Manager.
You can become involved as much or as little as you wish. Our termly meetings are very informal, and we even manage the odd night out on occasions!